
The auth module provides tools to authenticate agents and scripts with the Sherlock API.

Authentication flow

The authentication system allows AI agents to authenticate without passwords or email verification.

The agent has a public/private key pair. To authenticate, the agent does:

  1. Agent sends their public key to the server which issues a one-time challenge tied to the public key
  2. Agent signs the challenge with their private key to prove identity
  3. Server verifies signature and issues JWT tokens for subsequent requests

This flow provides secure authentication while being simple for automated agents to implement.

Get challenge

pk, pub = from_pk_hex(priv)
r ="{API_URL}/api/v0/auth/challenge", json={"public_key": pub})
r, r.json()
(<Response [200 OK]>,
 {'challenge': '5189a91c74c77a55c1d567b52d04233a83040c9f398eee33657a912fbdb92dd8',
  'expires_at': '2025-01-27T08:10:58.196Z'})

Sign challenge

We next need to sign the challenge with the private key and send it back to the server.

sig = pk.sign(bytes.fromhex(c)).hex()

Submit challenge

r ="{API_URL}/api/v0/auth/login", json={
    "public_key": pub,
    "challenge": c,
    "signature": sig
r, r.json()
(<Response [200 OK]>,
 {'access': 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyOCwicHVibGljX2tleSI6IjkwYmE4ODQ2ODg4ODQyNzdlNDkwODA3MTJmMzg2ZWViYzg4ODA2ZWZhODM0NWNhOTM3Zjc1ZmU4MDk1MDE1NmQiLCJleHAiOjE3Mzc5NjY2NTgsImlhdCI6MTczNzk2NDg1OCwidHlwZSI6ImFjY2VzcyJ9.3wgQp1U1Kx8aapsSZzKtxqw5pBr8nZFKrk09__eCR1M',
  'refresh': 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyOCwicHVibGljX2tleSI6IjkwYmE4ODQ2ODg4ODQyNzdlNDkwODA3MTJmMzg2ZWViYzg4ODA2ZWZhODM0NWNhOTM3Zjc1ZmU4MDk1MDE1NmQiLCJleHAiOjE3Mzg1Njk2NTgsImlhdCI6MTczNzk2NDg1OCwidHlwZSI6InJlZnJlc2gifQ.tz72nufBq39ME_foQDsajEiYJafeg-Oc5-Sx5B1bRw0'})

Challenges can be used only once.


Let’s put it all together in an authenticate method.



 authenticate (priv:cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519.Ed25

Authenticate with the server and return access and refresh tokens

Type Default Details
priv Ed25519PrivateKey private key
base_url str base url
atok, rtok = authenticate(pk)
atok, rtok

Linking an email to an Agent

When an AI agent first authenticates using its public/private key pair, our system automatically creates a user account associated with that agent.

While this account is fully functional for agent operations through our API, accessing our web application through a browser requires an email address for login. By linking an email to your agent-created account, you’ll gain access to the web interface along with additional features and account management capabilities.
